Parent / Guardian Consent

By booking a class for your child at Camp Fight, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

As the parent and/or legal guardian, you consent for your child to participate in training activities, including classes, sparring, and personal training, at Camp Fight.

You agree to the terms outlined in the membership and liability agreement and grant your legal consent for your child to become a member of Camp Fight. A photocopy or digital version of this consent agreement will hold the same validity as the original.

Additionally, you consent for your child to appear in photos or videos used for marketing purposes by Camp Fight.

Kids Class Guidelines

  1. Kids Classes are 45 minutes long.
  2. Please ensure that your child arrives no more than 5 minutes before the class start time. The gym will open 5 minutes prior to each class.
  3. Be punctual when collecting your child after class, as we need to prepare the gym for the next session immediately.
  4. Do not send your child to class if they are unwell.
  5. Punctuality is essential as classes are structured, and late arrivals disrupt both the coach and other students.
  6. For safety reasons, no child is permitted to play on gym equipment or enter the weights and cardio areas.
  7. Please ensure your child has all their belongings when they leave.

By booking a class, you confirm that you have read and agree to these terms.